Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anna Holt

English 9

Mr. Salsich

February 26th, 2009

Brave New Worlds:

A Losing Battle

To dream of perfection is human nature. Constantly, we consume ourselves with the everlasting task of creating an earth full of unparalleled excellence. We seem to crave this perfection, yet we remain ignorant to the questions that must first be answered if we wish to live in a flawless world. How does such a thing come about, and perhaps more importantly, what exactly would it be like?

In some cases, when the stars are aligned and the sun hits just right, the world reaches a state of raw perfection on its own, however more often than not, it is the result of a sacrifice (Periodic Sentence). At the end of Shakespeare's "The Tempest", Prospero’s actions lead to a spectacular new chapter for the isle’s inhabitants. It was his forgiveness that led to this change, this new life of hope. The king, once a bitter and resentful man, gave up everything he had for the benefit of those around him. After years of plotting and a growing need for vengeance, Prospero looked at Alonso. He did so without censure (SAT FAST), and said to the man who deceived him, “I do forgive thy rankest fault.” He was able to look beyond his need for revenge, soaring high above the plots of retribution that had once consumed him, giving up his satisfaction (Loose Sentence). It was this act of mercy that softened the heart of his enemy and opened the doors to a “brave new world”. Prospero’s forgiveness allowed the island to move beyond the disagreements of the past, and ended a long-winded game of dishonesty. It allowed opportunities for the future and the hopes of a repaired relationship. It allowed (Parallelism) the isle to let go of everything that was holding it back from utter perfection.

We live in a world far away from the peaceful island that Shakespeare speaks of. Our earth has become a place where violence hides behind every street corner, where respect is forgotten and prosperity (SAT FAST) is defined by personal wealth, however the things we are lacking are basic. Our energy is constantly consumed by the enervating (SAT FAST) requests of society, but what our souls crave is much more basic than our culture suggests. We need simplicity. Our world needs to move beyond the petty issues of wealth and power to the more significant aspects of life. Perhaps more importantly, the human race needs to find respect for one another. We must move beyond labels and social groupings, finding a distinct appreciation for each individual, no matter their race, background, or sexual orientation. Each of us is the same at heart. However, most of all, we need to reunite with the greatest gift we are given as people. We need to rekindle the warmth that comes from the most powerful tool in existence. As the Beatles once told us, “all you need is love.”

In truth, perhaps there is no such thing as a “brave new world.” Perhaps this kind of loveliness will only exist in the pages of books, teasing us with the false hope of a perfect world. However maybe, in between our busy days and restless nights, we will find a moment when all is right. Perhaps we must accept the inevitable flaws of our earth, and focus our minds on the beauty instead.

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