Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Julie's Essay

Julie Philippe
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 9
February 26th, 2009

A “Brave New World”:
An Essay About The Virtues To A “Brave New World”

1) The way we live, the way we behave, the way we make our decisions are influenced by the people around us (Periodic sentence). 2) In Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, Prospero influenced his people so much that they became hateful. 3) As forgiveness started to circle the island, everyone suddenly changed. 4) If only we could surpass our hate towards each other, our universe could become a “brave new world”.

TS Prospero, a selfish querulous king, changes as he realizes that forgiveness is what he needs to survive. SD With his “rough magic”, Prospero was able to turn this island into an ocean of hate. CM From the “roaring war[s] to the dread rattling thunder”, Prospero played his magic on everyone and anything. CM His magic was so atrocious that the “graves at his command/ Have waked their sleepers”. SD When Prospero decides to step down from his supremacy, he lets go of his magic, his cruelty, his hate towards his people, but most importantly, his power. CM Prospero regrets the acts of revenge, the endless threats, the imprisonment of his servants, the enormous amount of pain he has caused, but all he wants is forgiveness. CM “Deeper than did ever plummet sound/ [He]’ll drown [his] book” hoping for forgiveness. SD Based on this powerful passage, the people of this island have also changed. CM They have become forgiving, kind, and loyal as a result of their master’s sudden refinement. CM They have become “goodly creatures” that this whole time, had been influenced by Prospero’s demeanor. CS Regrets have changed Prospero, forgiveness has changed his people, and this island has become “a brave new world”.

TS Even though a perfect world with the perfect people is impossible, some virtues could get us closer to a not so rancorous world. SD To make a world a better place, people need to feel loved. CM Love makes a person feel so important, wanted, and needed. CM Love is a way for a person to drift from the reality into a world of goodness and peace. SD As humans, we all make mistakes, but the question is, are we able to forgive others for what they have done? CM I believe that forgiveness is a way to give someone another chance, it is a way to let them know that you care enough to let the mistake go. CM Like Prospero, forgiveness would give us a chance to become stronger and more prudent people. SD As each day passes, we see faces so unknown and different, we judge others because of their differences, we don’t look deep enough in a person to know who they are, only to realize that they are so distant but so alike (Loose sentence). CM For a “brave new world”, people would need to accept each other. CM Each and everyone one of us would need to put our differences aside and live in unity, as if we were all alike. CS These three virtues are like the ingredients to the perfect society in which everyone would love, forgive, and accept.

Prospero overcame his wanting of revenge, he overcame the raging fire inside him that was circling his island. He has let go of his most precious weapon and has forgiven the worst of actions. As humans, we are all able to love, forgive, and accept but we choose not to. To me, the fumes of a mistake can be extinguished from the act of forgiveness.

Self Assessment:
Writing issue I am continuing to work on:
I am still continuing to work on always "stay under the umbrella" and the main topic because I tend to get off topic easily.

Some strong points I see in this piece of writing:
I think some strong points are my use of quotes because I really tried to blend them in my sentences.

Some weak points I see:
My overall writing wasn't as good as my last essay. I had trouble being specific in the first body paragraph.

The grade I would give myself: B+

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