Sunday, April 5, 2009

Julie's Paragraphs

England Paragraphs- ISP 2009

Day 1:
As I heard the sudden beeping of my alarm clock, I knew it was here- the day we had so long been waiting for. We hoped into the bus, our eyes slowly drifting off into the “beauty of sleep”. Our fatigue turned into excitement, our anxiousness turned into calmness, and our sadness turned into smiles. Our fatigue faded away, only to overwhelm us with a cloud of happiness. For eight straight days, we will see nothing but smiles. The memories that we will create will be marvelous, but most importantly, we will create them together. As a class, we will laugh, we will console each other, we will share unforgettable memories that will bring us closer. As I write this paragraph, I cannot bring myself to thing of anything else but excitement. I cannot wait to discover the treasures of a new culture, a new country. I cannot wait to make happen what has been circling our minds since the beginning of this year. Eight days, filled with emotions, feelings, and laughter that will create unforgettable memories for us all.

Day 2:
As the bright blue sky was being filled with dark clouds, we discovered the treasures of a marvelous historical city. The old buildings caught my attention. The carefully constructed brick buildings of London sat into the busy streets. It almost seemed as if each brick had a meaning, an importance to the history of this city. As the sunny morning turned into afternoon, we got settled into a cute little English pub called “The King’s Arms”. As I sat on the old red silk bench, I looked around to appreciate all the details of this special room. I truly enjoyed this afternoon filled with history, culture, and fun!

The water stood still
The old building reflected into the calmness
Of the water.
The fountain, dripping droplets of crystals
As it slowly drips off the stone
Like a moving wall of water.

Day 4:
Passing through the busy streets of London, we stop by a market. A market full of life, people, and diversity. The smell of the sweet banana bread surrounded the market. “Sorrys’ and Excuse Me’s” were heard throughout, as we were being pushed around. The venders awaiting their customers patiently handed out pieces of brownies. People cared. The different faces, the new clothing style, and the different accents reflected a new culture. Walking the streets of London, we stop by a curry house. The smell of spicy and tasty food only made us hungrier. The welcoming voice of our waiter made us feel comfortable. The different words of a new language gave us the sense of diversity. We learned, we accepted, and we appreciated.

Day 6:
Beauty. The one word that carefully describes this special day.
The beauty of the morning sun shining against our window.
The beauty of a synchronized march of the guards walking down the street.
The beauty of a city full of generous people.
The beauty of a crystal chandelier hanging down on a bright room.
The beauty of a golden bedroom where the queen had once slept in.
The beauty of astonishing stonework throughout Windsor Castle.
The beauty of a school. A school with many smart children and different backgrounds.
The beauty of an old classroom with wooden desks and no blackboard.
The beauty of this class of 2009. All together.

Day 7:
As much as we dreaded this day, this was our last day in London. We were now headed to Stratford Upon Avon for a new and exciting adventure. To finish our stay in London, we visited the Cabinet War Rooms. They were absolutely amazing. To see all those rooms that had once looked the same was very impressive. The fact that so much history was into the very table in the telephone room was also interesting. Afterwards, we visited Westminster Abbey. The beautiful flying buttresses built many years ago stuck out of the breathtaking cathedral. We walked over to the Poets’ corner where the famous Charles Dickens was buried. It was unbelievable to be able to stand on this Poets’ grave. After appreciating the treasures of such a cathedral, we all set foot on the famous Westminster Bridge where some of my classmates recited Wordsworth’s “Westminster Bridge”. Soon enough, it was time to hop on the train and leave towards Stratford Upon Avon.

Day 8:
The soft voice of Mrs. Gallego woke me up for another busy day. We started off with a nice relaxing English class about “The Tempest”. The wonderful themes of this play all reflected on our own personal lives. It was interesting to hear everyone’s opinions on the themes of the play. We took the bus headed downtown Stratford followed by a nice lunch at McDonald’s! We walked around the British fashion stores, slowly appreciating England’s treasures. Afterwards we walked over to the Shakespeare theater for a performance of “The Tempest”. I was astonished! The excellent acting skills of the actors really brought out the point of Shakespeare’s work. The scene when Prospero cleans the paint off of Caliban’s body was the most powerful, as it reflected the character’s willingness to forgive. After, we visited the Holy Trinity church where Shakespeare was buried. The church was small, but very beautiful. The golden arches of the choir area and the gorgeous rose windows were amazing. We finished with a great, final dinner as a class, all together for the very last time.

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