Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anna- Draft

Anna HoltFebruary 18th, 2008Mr. SalsichEnglish 9Power in Music: An Essay1. How blessed we are to be able to see, to witness brilliant colors and beautiful faces. 2. How lucky we are to touch, to literally feel the world with our own hands and feet, and how lucky we are to hear. 3. Because we have this gift, we are able to perceive laughter and we are able to listen to all of the loveliness nature has to offer (Compound-complex sentence). 4. Let us remember these blessings, but let us never forget what is, to some, more powerful than anything else; the power of music.

(TS) Caliban is ferocious. (SD) A vile and mediocre creature, spite emanates from his every pore of his skin, (Appositive- Sentence Opener) however music has proven that even the darkest souls can be brought into light with the proper emotional vehicle. (CM) Caliban speaks of "sounds and sweet airs" when he hears the sounds of the night. (CM) The music lulls him into a sleep so sweet, he "crie[s] to dream again." (SD) Perhaps for Caliban, the harmonious sounds of Ariel’s music represent the only peace he has. (CM) He spends his days cursing Prospero and dwelling in self-pity, however when his ears open up to an evening tune, he finds himself drifting in a slow-moving river of happiness. (CM)Music is his mother, his friend, his lover; the one thing there to sooth him as he lives a life of loneliness. (SD) The "twangling instruments" that rush over the island are also neutral in opinion. (CM) Usually, even the air itself seems to hate this cold and angry creature. (CM) The music is something that sits by his side and simply exists, beautifully uninvolved, without judgment or resentment. (CS) Caliban is a monster, but with the right circumstances, a monster can become nothing more or less than you or I, a human with the simple will to live.

(TS) To me, music is the greatest form of inspiration. (SD) As I lie in bed on a hectic evening, waiting for sleep to bless my mind, the melodies and harmonies of a comforting song strike a chord of peace and stillness inside my racing heart. (CM) Music inspires the serenity that my soul subconsciously craves. (CM) It is a still moment in a sea of movement, the eye of the tornado, a lull in the storm. It also serves as motivation. (SD) There are times in life when we want to give up, to forget our goals and aspirations and live an easy but unfulfilled life. (CM) Music pulls me out of these ruts with vigor and force, reminding me of the importance of perseverance. (CM) Perhaps most importantly, it is an escape. (SD) Often, I find myself lost in the music that blares through my ears, and I am set free as it seeps into my soul. (CM) For those few moments, my fears are nonexistent. (CM) I let go of my woes and allow the sounds that surround me to reach deep into my heart and capture my mind. (CS) Music has power in my life (Short Sentence). (CS2) It sings me to sleep, plays me my motivation, and when I am lucky enough to let go of life's worries, pulls me into a surreal state of utter freedom.

1. There is no doubt that music is both influential and helpful to a person, however its power is often underestimated. 2. What an ingenious concept; a series of sounds with enough energy and grace to make you cry with joy, make you scream in anger, or make you smile in a bittersweet understanding (Parallel Prepositional Phrases). 3. For Caliban, music is peace. 4. For me, music is inspiration. 5. What, I wonder, is music to you?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Dear Anna,
Your essay, as always, is amazing! You did quite an extravagant job with your use of FAST words. They deffinetly enhance your writing. As for suggestions, I can't really tell if you used all the required writing tools because I don't know if you didn't label them or you just didn't use them. Also, if you want, I think that you could add a little bit more about The Tempest in your introduction paragraph. Otherwise, your essay is so beautifully written and your powerful words add so much to it!
I love you very much!