Monday, October 20, 2008

Julie's Essay

Julie Philippe
Mr. H. Salsich
English 9
October 20th, 2008

- an essay based on Zora Neale Hurston’s essay and appreciation towards ourselves

We constantly judge ourselves and each other, but we never have the time to acknowledge or appreciate others. Zora Neale Hurston lived in a world full of racism and discrimination where everyone would treat her differently because of the color of her skin. The fact that she appreciated herself let her free of that disrespectful behavior that people had towards her. As Ms. Hurston says: “ a bit of colored glass more or less would not matter”. (Hurston, 117). In our own lives, we must not judge ourselves too much, but rather appreciate, as this is who we are and nobody can change it.
TS After moving from Florida to Jacksonville, Hurston was “ not Zora of Orange County anymore, [she] was now a little colored girl” (Hurston, 117). SD During her childhood years, Zora Neale Hurston was looked at differently, discriminated against, and disrespected in an unacceptable way (Purposeful repetition). CM As the years went by, Hurston overcame the feeling of being put down every time someone looked at her. Hurston had finally learned to respect and appreciate herself for what she was. CM Hurston appreciated herself in a way that let her free of what people were saying to her. SD Ms. Hurston says that she was constantly being “reminded that she was the grand-daughter of slaves”, but Zora didn’t care. CM It was beyond her to think that these comments had any true meaning. CM She appreciates herself so much that it helps her let go of that anger deep down within her. SD Ms. Hurston describes herself as “ a brown bag of miscellany propped against a wall.” CM In that bag, could be a countless number of things, both priceless and worthless. CM The veneration (Fast) and appreciation that she has for herself is what makes this bag so priceless. CS After all that was happening in Zora Neale Hurston ‘s life when she was a kid, she still found a way to appreciate herself in a way that no one could even imagine.
TS Appreciation is something that comes up in our lives everyday. SD In Zora Neale Hurston’s essay, she speaks about how she appreciates herself because she is different, and I appreciate myself in the same way. CM Feeling different from everyone else gives me a sense of life that no one might have ever experienced before. CM Unlike Ms. Hurston, I don’t have a different skin color, but the feeling of being different is a big part in why I appreciate myself, and my life, so much. SD I have accomplished many things in my life and like Ms. Hurston said, overcoming challenges was yet, another reason of appreciation. CM All those challenges-- from learning English, to learning to live in a new culture, to making new friends-- (Purposeful repetition) finally paid off. CM Having experienced those challenges gave me a whole new view on what appreciation is all about. SD I appreciate myself because I have learned to change and accept change in my life. CM During the course of my life, many confrontations (Fast) came up and I wasn’t ready to change, but in fact, I had no choice. CM I have learned to deal with change and to never give up. CS I often think of appreciation as another one of the “paths of life” that must be earned with hard work.
Zora Neale Hurston’s essay was a truly inspiring story. It doesn’t matter what someone looks like on the outside, it is only the inside that matters. No one knew Zora Neale Hurston, but everyone still judged her. No one cared to know what was on the inside, if all they could see was the outside. As Ms. Hurston says: “ I have no race, I am me” and Hurston appreciated herself because she was “me”. We must not be too sagacious (Fast) on ourselves. I believe that we should all appreciate ourselves in the way that Mrs. Neale Hurston appreciated herself and her life.


Caroline said...

I loved reading your essay. I thought that the use of quotes was very nice. I was however a little confused while reading this sentance, "The fact that she appreciated herself let her free of that disrespectful behavior that people had towards her." maybe it was just me, i dont know. i also noticed a few missing commas in your first half of the essay. But really nice job!

Anna said...

Hi Julie-
I had such a nice time reading your essay- so well organized!! It was smooth and so elegant. I really liked when you said, "As the years went by, Hurston overcame the feeling of being put down every time someone looked at her." It was such an interesting view on the story.
If i was you, i would put a little more detail into your examples of self appreciation, and also check your essay for examples of repition that does not add to the writing.
Again, reading your essay was a treat, as usual. You are wonderful :)
xoxo anna