Monday, April 27, 2009

Anna Holt
9 English
Mr. Salsich
April 28, 2009

A Reflection

There is no doubt that bravery is an admirable trait. No one questions the value of friendship, and diligence (SAT) is important to say the least. Humor is bright and honesty is worthy, however there is something that flies high above the regular values we find in our lives. Whether it be in a poem, a short story, or our own lives, it is eternal. Kindness represents the good in the world.

(Ts) In Naomi Shihab Nye's poem, "Kindness," she seems to say that this fact is prearranged. (Sd)Her words imply that the value of compassion goes without saying, that it is the very core of goodness. (Cm)She says that there are times when all seems to be lost that we will learn that "only kindness [can] tie your shoes." (Cm) Her poem reminds us that kindness can save a seemingly dead soul from its sorrow. (Sd) However, on a deeper level, Ms. Nye speaks about what it takes for us to value kindness. (Cm) She says that often, we ignore its wonder simply because we have not yet experienced the sorrow we feel when it is absent. (Cm) You must be scared, and "feel the future dissolve in a moment." (Cs)You must be lonely and cold before you can understand the importance of compassion; "Before you know what kindness really is, you must lose things."

(Ts)At the end of "Winter Dreams" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dexter Green proves Ms. Nye's point and seems to have let the will to live slip from the grasp of his shaking hands because of a lack of kindness. (Sd) As he looks at his situation in destitute, he remembers "something in [him], but now that thing is gone." (Cm) He remembers charming laughter escaping from the memorizing lips of Judy Jones. (Cm) He remembers her smile, her hair, her voice, her young eyes gleaming in the sun that warmed the summer they fell in love. (tetracolon) (Sd)He remembers her body and her mind, and on a grander and perhaps subconscious scale, he remembers her kindness. (Cm) It was her kindness, simple and pure, (appositive) that led to everything that made Dexter happy. (Cm)Perhaps it did not make her charming, but it gave her the reason to charm Dexter, and perhaps kindness is not to blame for her intelligence, it was what fueled her to use her mind in positive ways. (Sd3)It was her heart that led to his love. (Cm) The reason for Dexter's unhappiness at the end of the story was that he was lacking this kindness he had once grown to adore. (Cm)While the story ends for the reader, Dexter's life is not over. (Cs)He is simply learning the hard way "how desolate the landscape can be between the regions of kindness."

(Ts)Like that of Dexter Green, my happiness is dependant on kindness. (Sd)It is this aesthetic (SAT) use of one's soul that brings me joy. (Cm) The source of kindness is insignificant, for the mere presence of compassion produces comfort, calming my mind and warming my smile (Loose). (Sd) Kindness does not have to be in large acts, and is often more powerful when used in subtle, seemingly mundane (SAT) ways. (Cm)The stranger on the sidewalk, picking up trash with a smile on her face, the man greeting his friend as he gets off the plane; these are enough to bring warmth to any soul. (Cm)We often forget the value of simple kindness and the importance of benevolence. (Cs)Humanity is priceless. (Cs2)Kindness is essential.

Kindness is the sun hidden on a cloudy day. It is the heart of warmth in our lives, however more often than not, it is hidden by the more overbearing issues of our days, the rainstorms of our lives. (loose) It is a light, and we must carry it with us no matter how our lives unfold. It will watch over us, "like a shadow or a friend."


I liked this essay a lot. I think if i was to do it again, I would try to make the third body paragraph more specific. I also wish i had more time to work on this essay and I feel like if i started it earlier, I would have been able to improve it. I liked how I was able to bring my ideas out in a strong way while still maintaining good organization, and I am especially proud of my concluding sentence. I'm still working on using the special tools for writing to ENHANCE my writing, and trying really hard not to "over-write."
I would give myself an A-


Julie said...

Dear Anna,
I really enjoyed reading this essay. The flowing and powerful words you wrote were very attention-catching. I especially really liked your interpretation of kindness in "Winter Dreams". I had not thought of it that way and it deffinetly changed my views on the story.
I really don't have much to suggest except maybe it would be a good idea to mention the pieces of literature that you are going to talk about in your introduction so that the reader knows the main topics of the essay. Also, it would be nice if you labeled your special tools, because I'm sure they're really great but I can't find them!
I really loved this essay Anna. It was so well thoughout and well written!

Caroline said...

MY dearest ANNA,
good job
your essay was really good (despite what you say) i liked it. I will start with suggestions this time just to stir things up. lol. I found you opening paragraph, not confusing, but complicated or something like that. I sometimes had to read sentences twice to get the meaning you had intended. Im sure you will realize this on your own, but you might want to rearrange it a little. You also might want to mention the authors in you intro and conclusion. I also really liked your conclusion and how you ended with a quote. it was a great finnish to a fine essay. Along with this, i liked the flow of your essay. you write like your having a conversation with the reader, which is nice. overall, good job and it was not anywhere close to what you told me to expect.