Thursday, December 4, 2008

Carolines in-class essay

Caroline Burlingham
Mr. H. Salsich
December 4, 2008
What I Value in Life Is…
An essay about the valuables in my life

1) In the most recent gathering at Pine Point School, the entire community sat down to talk about poverty and hunger. 2) For just one day, we were treated as if we were in poverty by participating in the Hunger Banquet. 3) After being separated into high, middle, and low-income groups and eating a small bowl of rice, my eyes really began to open up to the rest of the world. 4) This gathering prompted me to think about how valuable my life truly is.

TS. Not only do I have access to the things I need and want, but I have people who I know will always be there for me. SD. My friends and family have never once doubted me and my ability to work and learn. CM. I know that I can talk to them about anything. CM. Everyone around me knows how to make me laugh, make me smile, and make me happy no matter what (PURPOSEFUL REPETITION). SD. Not only do I value the people around me, but where I stand in the world. CM. All my life I have had access to health care, education, food, and a place to live, while all over the world people lack these few things. CM. If I am ever in trouble, I know there will be help on the way, and numerous people cannot say this for themselves. SD. This is my twelfth year at Pine Point School, and soon I will be out in the real world. CM. Pine Point has sheltered its students from the negativity in life. CM. One thing that Pine Point is very good at is educating us about the negative things, such as drugs and alcohol, and this results to the decision to never experience them. CS. I value my friends and family, but I also value my teachers and recourses, because the have prepared me for the rest of my life.

1) Being Co-President of the G.I.V.E. committee at our school has really opened my eyes to the rest of the world in another way. 2) I raise money and goods for those less fortunate than me simply because I can. 3) I value everything that those people do to stay alive, and that’s why I help them. 4) For me the gift of giving is more important than giving a gift, (CHIASMUS) and I have learned this through my education at Pine Point School.

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