Thursday, November 20, 2008

caroline's essay

Caroline Burlingham
Mr. Salsich
November 20, 2008
Is there a negative side to being you?
An essay on heterosexism

1) Have you ever walked into a room and suddenly everyone stops talking and looks directly at you? 2) Not a nice, friendly greeting kind of look, but a look that says, “Wow look at her/him,” in a way that makes you know that you are what they were talking about before you walked in the door. 3) Throughout our whole lives, this will happen, whether there’s a reason or not. 4) There will always be that one person that does not think different is a good thing and punish you for it.

TS By dictionary definition, heterosexism is, “Discrimination or prejudice against lesbians or gay men by heterosexual people,” but I, personally, would have to disagree. SD You aren’t automatically a heterosexist because you discriminated against a homosexual. CM Everyday, as I walk the halls at school, I hear people use the word, “Gay”. CM Although they may not realize, this very word, when used in the wrong way, can hurt even the strongest of people. SD I know from experience that words can hurt and they, unlike injuries, never heel. CM Even the kindest and most passive person can let a word “slip”. CM They are not automatically a heterosexist because they said something they don’t mean or laughed at a joke, they just don’t understand why people are laughing and join in so they are not left out. SD Discrimination and racism against someone who is different is part of being human. CM Although some people do believe what they say, a good percentage does not; if you do not mean or understand what has happened, than I do not qualify you as a heterosexist. CM People should do the right thing by speaking out, but they are afraid of the outcome. CS I my self, have used some of those hateful words and I am sorry to those whom I have hurt, but I do believe that it is your life, and that you should never let those people who don’t believe in you to stop you from being you.

TS If I myself was one of those people related to a homosexual, I would be perfectly fine with their decision. SD I can just imagine my whole family sitting at the dinner table eating and laughing about the day. CM We are about to clean up when my brother, standing by the entrance to the kitchen, makes his big announcement (PARTICIPLE).CM I would be shocked at first and not know how to react, but again, it is his life and he can live it however he would like. SD I am sure that both my friends and I would respond differently to those cruel jokes and insults now that we understand the negative side and how hurtful they can be. CM Personally living with a homosexual would change the way I see and think about things. CM I am sure that I am not a heterosexist person because I would no longer laugh, think, listen, or talk about the word, “gay” in inappropriate ways. SD I think that is okay to believe what you do, but there is no need for violence or discrimination. CM I have a friend who lives in California, and one night while I was on the phone with him, he told me about how his friends reacted when they found out he was bisexual. CM Even his closest friends turned on him, and with his aching head, and his bleeding nose, he had to be picked up from school early that day (ABSOLUTE). CS Many people are afraid to reveal their true selves because of things and people like these, but I personally think that this would be a hard secret to keep to your self.

1) All over the world people are being treated differently and unfairly just because they are unique in their own ways. 2) Whether you are a homosexual, or just have different beliefs, there is no reason for others to interfere with your life. 3) Although it only takes one person to make you regret your decisions, it only takes you to make the best of life and not let obstacles stand in your way. 4) “At least one thing will fall in your path before you can reach the finish line of life and happiness.” (Chinese Proverb)

1 comment:

Hamilton Salsich said...

Hi Caroline --

I LOVE the opening par. It's clear, organized, and to the point.

The first chunk in the first body is a little confusing. The CMs don't seem to fit under the umbrella of the SD.

And actually, the same is true for the second chunk. Remember that the CMs should comment directly on the topic of the SD. (That's what I mean by 'staying under the umbrtella'.)

And actually --sorry -- but I find a similar confusion in the third chunk. The CMs do not directly and clearly comment on or explain the SD. I hope you see what I mean.

The second body is better organized. GOOD WORK!

The absolute just needs a little rearranging: The nouns should be IN FRONT OF the participles ("head aching" nose bleeding")

It's not completely clear how the final quote fits into the essay. Try to make each sentence totally clear for the reader.

I see the usual deep thinking in this essay that I see in ALL your work in English, Caroline. There's passion and power in this essay, and I really enjoyed it. This troubled world is lucky to have you.